sqld - Microsoft SQL Schema Extraction Tool
A Windows command-line tool to extract the database schema from two databases so that the definitions can be compared for differences.
Table of Contents
§ Motivation
I started working at a new organisation which had database schema issues. There was drift between the pre-production (UAT) and production databases, causing confidence issues when deploying updates. The databases had hundreds of stored procedures, none of which were registered in the source code control system. They only existed in the database.
While the team used Redgate’s sql compare product the databases still encountered drift. So, I wanted to write a tool to extract as much of the database definitions to discrete files within two sub folders, with one folder for the UAT database definition and one for the production definition. The resulting files allowed us to use the excellent WinMerge tool to compare and find differences between the two databases.
Once differences are reviewed and conflicts fixed, all the stored procedures and user defined functions could be committed to the Git repository.
§ Schema Definitions Extracted
- Stored procedure definitions
- Table field definitions, including data type and data length
- Table index definitions
- User-defined functions
§ Encrypt User Password
Before you start, you need to encrypt the password for the username you configure in the settings.ini file. Use the -password= flag and supply your password, and an AES-encrypted password will be displayed within square brackets.
1./sqld -password=BishBashBosh
3AES encrypted password = [3bd742ec11 ... e87dff1e]
§ Settings.ini
You can configure the software by editing the settings.ini. You must add the Microsoft SQL Server names where the production and pre-production (uat) databases live. The databases need to have the same name within both servers.
1server_prod = "GCLIN05"
2server_uat = "GCLIN05UAT"
3database_name = "Diadem2"
4username = "NUTH\BradleyP6_adm"
5password = "3bd742ec11 ... e87dff1e"
The username will be your Windows Active Directory account. This user will need admin permissions to both databases for the extraction tool to work correctly.
§ Extracting the database schema
To run the extraction against the databases configured in the settings.ini file, run the executable with no parameters like:
Running sqld will produce the following folder structure. Each sub-folder of the sqld folder will contain all the necessary .SQL files extracted from the database.
2├── sqld
3│ ├── production
4│ └── uat
§ Download
The ZIP file contains the Windows 64bit executable sqld.exe
§ Language
Written and compiled in Go 1.23.0
§ Source Code Availability
None at the moment. Later, it could be released under the MIT license.
§ Future Plans
- Add report to find empty tables, so that decision can be made as to if they are still required.
- Perform file compare within the application so not having to rely on WinMerge.
- Ability to define a list of tables which hold configuration data, so that the sqld tool can generate a script to rollback the production configuration to your UAT database.
§ Version History
- 1.02 [15.11.2024] – Added AES password encryption and fixed table index definition extraction.
- 1.01 [01.11.2024] – Initial release.